The Archive Trust publishes material online in good faith.
If you believe that any published material is copyrighted, contains sensitive personal information, is obscene or defamatory or deserves to be taken down for any other reason, please contact us using the details on our Contact page. In your message, please specify the following.
- Your contact details (including your name)
- The full details of the material
- The exact and full URL of the material in question
- If the request relates to copyright, provide proof that you are the rights holder and a statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative.
- The reason for your request, including but not limited to, copyright law, privacy laws, data protection, obscenity, defamation etc.
On receipt of your complaint, we will instigate the following procedure.
- We will make an initial assessment of the validity of your complaint.
- We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint by email.
- Unless your complaint is spurious, we will cease access to the item that is subject to complaint.
- We will endeavour to find an amicable and mutually-agreeable resolution for your complaint.
As a result, we may restore access to the material, with or without changes, or may cease, on a temporary or permanent basis, access to the material.